Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wow, I Fail, but Thanks!

So, I feel really undeserving of this since I haven't posted for like, ever, but I got a blogging award!


Kristin over at Kristin in Japan passed this award along to me.  If you haven't checked out her blog, you really should, especially if you are planning a wedding long distance or have a penchant for Japanese goodness.

I am super grateful to her for this award.  It's so nice to know someone cares about what you're writing!

It seems this award requires you to explain your blog philosophy.  When I started writing, I was mostly doing this for me and for advice and in the hopes that someone would read it and get something useful out of it.  Now, I think things have changed a little bit.  I still value my readers' advice and still hope to provide useful information, but I think for me that usefulness is less about helpful ideas like providing inspiration pictures and DIY projects and more about giving advice in the format of "learn from my mistakes."

Kristin said that she was passing the award to me because I'm honest and put myself out there.  It's kind of ironic because that's not a way I would describe myself in real life, but I have made an effort to be forthcoming on this blog because I believe that's the best way to help people (and really, it helps me too).  I guess that's my blog philosophy:  provide an honest portrayal of your wedding experience in order to help others, whether that be keeping them from making your mistakes, commiserating with crappy situations, or just knowing that you're not the only one.  That, and venting.  Venting is a very important part of my blogging experience and one that I have absolutely no intention of giving up.

Now, it is my duty to pass this award on to another blogger.  This was not an easy decision for me--there are so many great blogs out there--but in the end, I had to go with Wedding for Two.  I feel really weird giving Ellie an award since is wayyyyyyyyyy more established than I am, has done A TON more planning, and is much closer to her actual wedding date.  However, I love her blog, and I couldn't not honor her with this award.  She has very helpful advice, really knows what she's talking about, writes very regularly, and knows how to keep her audience engaged.  Plus, she has a socially conscious mindset that appeals to me on a personal level, and she never backs down from giving her opinion which I can really respect.

While we're on the topic, there are two other blogs that I seriously considered passing this award on to, and I would like to take to take this opportunity to give them a shout out.  One is my friend Laura's blog, The Bride Side of Life.  If you've been with me from the early days of The Princess Bride, you'll know how much Laura has influenced my wedding.  She introduced me to wedding blogging in the first place and is a very, very knowledgeable source.  What I love about her blog is that it creates the perfect balance between DIY advice/projects, personal and meaningful relationship and planning experiences, and general wedding goodness.  It's a one-stop blogging spot!  Plus, she just got married and is in the middle of recaps, so now is the perfect time to give her blog a gander.

The other blog I would like to honor is Once Upon a Dream.  I'm not gonna lie, I started reading this blog because of the title.  I am a HUGE Disney fan.  But I stayed for the heart.  Jill is an honest, light-hearted writer who doesn't spend a lot of time complaining (let's face it, most of us love it) and shares her experience an honest, personal way.  I have really enjoyed reading both of these blogs and would definitely recommend that you check them out.

Thanks again to Kristin and to everyone out there who thinks my experience is worth reading about!


Classy Wedding by the Sea