When the day rolled around, I was a little nervous about how few people had RSVP'd. In my experience, you need a big group for karaoke bars to be fun. Including me, there were only 3 of us there.
But you know what? It was fucking awesome anyway.
I really owe it to Dana and Julie. They definitely got into the spirit of it even though it was a Tuesday night, and they both had to work the next day.
Our night started off with some gifts from Dana.
*Note: All photos were taken by either me or Dana.*
I got a bachelorette crown, a naughty girl scepter, and chocolate mousse cake. Pretty awesome start.
Me and Dana
Then, Julie showed up, and the party really got started.
Me and Julie
I sang a lot. Mostly with at least one of the other girls, but I sang "California Gurls" solo. The video of that performance disappeared unfortunately for you, but I'm pretty sure more people got up and danced to that song than any other performed that night. It was pretty sweet.
They were doing a contest that night, and the best performers would get a $50 tab for the next Tuesday. Toward the end of the night, the lady MCing asked us if we would be able to come the next Tuesday, but I was going to SoCal that night. So we didn't win, but I'm pretty sure we would have if I had been around the next week.
There was also a lot of drinking. A LOT of drinking. I'm not sure Dana will ever forgive me for the hangover she had the next day, and the damage that night did to her liver. Never drink an "adios."
Personally, I was proud to have had at least 6 drinks and only pay for 1 of them. I spent a grand total of $4 on alcohol that night because so many people bought me drinks. It was awesome. I've never had random guys buy me drinks before! People seem to think this is weird, but Daniel and I started dating long before I was 21, so I've never had the chance to flirt at a bar. It was nice to finally get some free drinks before getting married. AND I managed to avoid a hangover the next day. Not sure how I managed that, but I was pretty happy about it.
Downing a "chocolate cake." Chocolate cake should never be dependent on lemon. Just saying.
This particular karaoke bar isn't big on dancing. That may or may not be due to the tone-deaf nature of the clientele. But later in the night, there was some dancing, and it was good.
Dancing the Night Away
It was a really fun night, and I'm so grateful to Dana and Julie for coming with me and making it awesome. It may not have been the biggest or most epic of bachelorette parties, but I still loved it.
Awesome! Looks like you had a really great, perfect night out for your bachelorette! Sorry I couldn't be there!